Build - Weekly Demo & Feedback
Being agile and lean means deploying working software in smaller increments. We believe it's best to chunk stories down to a small enough size such that when the story is finished, there is something tangible that can be experienced by the end user. The weekly demo and feedback session provide the forum for the design and development teams to show off the work they completed during the previous iteration to the broader product development team and stakeholders.
Here are some best practices we try to follow:
- The team is responsible for getting their work to a state it can be demoed prior to the feedback meeting.
- Everyone on the team is responsible for walking the group through the stories they completed.
- It's best if everyone in the group holds their feedback until the entire demo has been completed.
- We love questions. No question is too small, dumb, or out of context to ask.
- Feedback drives the planning for the next iteration.
- If the team has nothing to demo, it's time to do a retrospective and try to unpack where the blockage is in the workflow.
- Feedback should be geared from the context of the end user. Assumptions should be called out and flagged for further testing and validation.
Services & Tools
- - Free group screen sharing.
- Reflector - Easily project your iPhone or iPad screen onto your desktop for screen sharing sessions.
- Redline - A great tool for tracking UI bugs and converting them to stories in Pivotal Tracker.